Saturday, September 24, 2011

Two weeks later

It has been about two weeks since I completed my first Ironman in Madison, Wisconsin.  I was told that some people feel some post Ironman blues.  I have yet to come upon that.  I am thinking I will be okay.  Those who told me this, also said that people were not sure what would be next for them. I was asked this as well.  First and foremost was to get some much needed recovery time.  I do have some more goals for the 2012 year.  Athletically I would like to compete in Olympic distance triathlons and see if I can get my times down into the 2:20s.  I feel that is a reasonable goal, considering that I had a 2:34 and some change finish at Tri Indy with some very interesting road conditions on the bike (they sucked).  I would also like to break 1:40 in a half marathon.  Career wise I would like to add some certifications to my list, but they are kind of athletically related.  I am hoping to be able to get signed up for the USAT level 1 clinic and get my Baptiste yoga certification. 

Right now I am enjoying the time and the accomplishment I had completing and Ironman.  When I came back to school after the Ironman the students and staff were very interested in my journey.  Some of the students asked some funny questions like did I swim in the ocean and see sharks.  I did tell the kids I would be in Wisconsin, which is why that was really funny to me.  I was able to speak to some of our athletes involved with BALC (Bengal Athletic Leadership Club), but being me I was so excited I left out the most important motivator, people told I couldn't do it and I wouldn't finish ( sorry Meredith and T). I prefer to try to keep a positive attitude about it. I have been telling the kids I saw there afterwards that oh yeah, I did forget that part.    I feel honored that the students from the school newspaper interviewed me and that our community relations director put a congratulatory note in the district education partner (thanks to my friend, Beth for emailing my principal and our community relations director).

So now what else to do?  I do coach at the school I work at and we have a nice group of kids running cross-country for the boys and the girls.  The boys are making a name for themselves as a team and I think they girls will surprise some people. Well, I have started to get a little antsy from taking time off. I started to swim and do yoga this past week, nothing intense, just fun and different workouts.  There is no need to be serious right now.  Jan. I will get serious again.  I think I will start to run again this week. Biking will come soon, just not yet. I know I have a few friends are going to rock at Ironman Florida and yes I can be a training buddy for you all at some point or another.  I will likely run a Turkey run on Thanksgiving in Palos.  Mainly, I plan to continue to have fun.  I had a great time training for the Ironman.  I have met so many new friends through training and yoga and many other settings.  I have fun, I have met great people, my family most importantly has been such a great support.  I was shocked when I got back to my room from the Ironman to see how many Facebook messages I had and how many text message I had.  Good thing we are not allowed to have cells phones with on the course. I would have got disqualified for sure.  Many more good times to come!!!!!!!!

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